Is it safe to have Sex on your period?

Blood Magick. Lets talk Period SEX!

Having sex on your period is a personal choice and there is absolutely no medical reason why you should avoid having sex while on your period.  Unless you or your partner are ‘turned off’ by the sight of blood it is completely safe and totally up to you whether you have sex while you are bleeding.  In fact there are some benefits to getting hot and heavy while the red river flows including relief of menstrual cramping.

   When it comes to your bleed ultimately the choice is yours.  It is so important to tune into your body’s own navigation system – YOUR INTUITION.  Ask yourself - Does this feel right for me.  I will answer the common questions I get asked when it comes to risks, benefits and safety of ‘period sex’ so you can better decide for yourself.  

Lets nerd out on Period basics

During reproductive years a woman will ‘have a period’ monthly. A ‘period’ or some may call it moontime, bleed, painters have arrived, visit from Aunty flow is the shedding of endometrial lining from the uterus.  The endometrial lining builds up during each monthly cycle in preparation for conception if conception does not occur the lining sheds through the vaginal canal – aka menstruation/bleeding begins.  This magickal process is orchestrated by ebs and flows of hormones and messenger cells.  Blood magick and feminine wisdom is truly remarkable.    

What you may notice during period sex

 There are a few things you may notice while having sex on your period compared to other times.  You may not need as much lubricant on your period as blood can act as a natural lubricant.  You also may find that there are certain positions that feel uncomfortable during your bleed, this is due to the position of the cervix.  The cervix, which is the gateway between the vagina and the uterus changes position during different phases of your cycle.  During your bleed the cervix sits down lower therefor positions like doggy maybe more uncomfortable, this can be managed by altering depth of toy/penis/finger or changing position.    


-        Orgasm can lessen menstrual cramps through natural pain relief effects. Menstrual cramps occur when the uterus is contracting trying to expel endometrial lining from the walls of the uterine cavity.  Orgasm works as a natural pain relief by intense contracting followed by relaxation of the uterus and pelvic floor muscles.  It is during this relaxation phase that pain is lessened.   Natural chemicals released during sex including, serotonin, dopamine and ocytocin also have pain relief properties.  Hell yes for that post sex glow!


-        You can still get pregnant on your bleed

Although the risks of pregnancy are lesser compared to at ovulation there is still a chance of conception during your period.  This is dependant on a few factors inlcuding, length of cycle, timing of sex, timing of ovulation. It important to know that sperm can live up to 7 days in the reproductive tract, they just chillin’ patiently waiting for that golden egg.  

-        Higher risk some Sexually Transmitted infections

There is a higher risk of blood borne viruses such as HIV and hepatitis during your period.  It is important to practice protected sex and discuss STI status before having sex.  This is part of consent.  It importnant to know your rights and obligations for disclosing STI status.

 Energetics of womb space and periods

If we are talking kundalini/feminine wisdom principles of sex and ‘sex magick’ it is important to know that during your period the energy is moving in a downward flow.  Some yogis and tantric masters will say that it is counter intitutive for vagina owners to have penetrative sex during their bleed due to the upward directional flow of energy during sex.   I feel this is completely personal and the energy created between self or partner/s during period sex can be completely transformational.

I am a strong believer in paying respect to the women who share their wisdom, most of my learning of the feminine blood mysteries comes from Dr Danielle Arabena and Jane Hardwick-Collins. 


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